


报告题目: Wireless Energy and Low-Voltage DC Grids, Two Faces of Same Coin

报告嘉宾:斯坦教授  里斯本大学

报告时间:20181112日(星期一) 1400-16:00


嘉宾简介:STANIMIR (STAN) VALTCHEV (IEEE Senior Member’08)

Best graduate of 1974, Technical University Sofia (TUS), in semiconductor and electronics technology, Auxiliary Director of the Centre of Robotics of TUS. In 1987 worked in TU Delft as assistant professor and assistant professor in TUS (Power Supplies and Converters), vice dean of foreign students of TUS. Now he is auxiliary professor of Power Electronics in Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, and Invited Full Professor of Burgas Free University, Bulgaria. Since 1994 teaching and consulting in Portugal and in the Netherlands. Based on a versatile experience, the research includes HF resonant power converters, energy harvesting, wireless energy transfer, electric vehicles, energy management and storage, smart DC grids, tunnel FET devices and biosensors. He was the General Chair of the IEEE-PEMC2016 conference and Chair of Subcommittee in IES of IEEE.