

学术报告:期刊Composites Part B: New Team and New Strategies


地        点:土木与交通学院 309会议室

报告题目:期刊Composites Part B: New Team and New Strategies  

主  讲  人:王浩教授,澳大利亚南昆士兰大学



 Hao Wang is currently a professor at University of Southern Queensland (USQ), a member of ARC (Australian Research Council) College of Experts. He was an Academic Board member and a University Research Committee member at USQ. He was also the Director of the Centre for Future Materials at USQ. Professor Wang has broad expertise in flame retardants for polymer composites, bio-materials, green concrete, and solid oxide fuel cells. He has over 200 journal publications, and is the Editor-in-Chief for Composites Part B: Engineering (Elsevier), an Editor for Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Taylor & Francis) and is an Editorial Board member for Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials (Taylor & Francis). As the Institute Director he established the China-Australia Institute for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing at Jiaxing University, China. Professor Wang (as the Chair) successfully organised the 11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, Cairns, 2018. He is currently the Vice President of the Asian Australasian Association for Composite Materials, and will become the President in 2020.


Composites Part B: Engineering is one of the most reputable composites journal, with an Impact Factor of 4.92 currently. After over 20 years the journal had a major restructure of its editorial team. As the new Editor-in-Chief, I will introduce the new strategies for the journal, including its priority publishing areas. We are working hard to establish a “Journal-Author-Reader” partnership, with the aim to better serve our composites community.