


报告题目:Modulated DC-link Currents in ASD Systems for Harmonic Reduction

报告时间:1120 星期二上午10:00


报告嘉宾:杨永恒 丹麦奥尔堡大学副教授



In modern industrial motor drive applications, low-cost, simple-structure, and high-reliability are the major concerns. Among various standardized front-end solutions, the diode rectifiers and/or silicon-controlled rectifiers are still the most commonly employed rectification apparatus in adjustable speed drive (ASD) systems. They are the most fundamental structures. However, these “uncontrollable” or “half-controllable” rectifiers bring harmonics to the grid, and thus regulations have been released and are continuously updated. To cope with the harmonic challenge, cost-effective solutions should be proposed and developed. In this talk, we look back to the fundamentals and revisit the classic power factor correction (PFC) solution, where dc-dc boost converters are employed after the rectification converters. With that, the DC-link current is modulated in multiple ASD systems, which enables a significant harmonic cancellation. In principle, the effectiveness is enhanced by mixing non-linear loads – silicon controlled rectifier systems, where the grid currents can be phase-shifted.


    杨永恒,丹麦奥尔堡大学副教授。20096月于西北工业大学取得学士学位;2009年至2011年,在东南大学电气工程学院学习;20119月,赴丹麦奥尔堡大学学习,于20148月获得博士学位并留校任教至今,现为奥尔堡大学能源技术系助理教授。20133月至5月期间,赴美国德克萨斯州农工大学(Texas A&M University)交流学习。研究方向包括电力电子技术、新能源及并网技术、电力电子可靠性等方面。已发表学术论著近百篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在国际权威SCI期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,并合著了《Periodic Control of Power Electronic Converters IET出版)。曾担任 IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics的客座副编辑及Applied Sciences的客座主编,现为CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications副主编。担任IEEE电力电子学会学生与青年学者委员会委员 (IEEE PELS Students and Young Professionals Committee),负责IEEE电力电子学会学生与青年学者相关活动组织等工作。